The Hidden Gems of Wedding and Event Stationery: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Needed

Having a stationery pro as a host of Cut The Cake is a very handy thing for our listeners. Why? Because Tania is an expert in event and wedding day stationery and has so many insights!

In this episode of Cut the Cake, Tania shares 10 unique and often overlooked stationary elements that can be incorporated into weddings and events.

1. The Importance of In Loving Memory Signs

In loving memory signs are a beautiful way to honor and remember loved ones who are no longer with us on our special day. Tania suggests adding a candle or a small piece of personalized stationery to the chair as a tribute. She explains, "I can definitely see it being quite nice with some photo or even just like a little, not a plaque, but some form of like even like just a business card size piece of work with their name on it like in loving memory or something like that." This thoughtful gesture adds a heartfelt touch to the ceremony and allows the couple to include their loved ones in their celebration.

2. The Importance of Clear Instructions for Polaroid Cameras

"The amount of weddings that I have done and there's been a Polaroid camera and no one knows how to use it even how to turn it on or how to put replacement film in there or whatever or what they're doing with it 100% they'll get the camera and go cool like I'll take a photo and I'll take it with me. Oh no please pop it in the guestbook that's right here already for you it's right next to the phone so right next to the camera there so make it crystal clear."

Polaroid cameras have become a popular addition to weddings and events, but often guests are unsure of how to use them or where to place the photos. It is crucial to provide clear instructions to avoid any confusion. As the host, it is essential to communicate with your guests and guide them on how to use the camera and where to place the photos. This ensures that the memories captured on Polaroid film are preserved in a meaningful way.

3. The Power of Interactive Guest Activities

"Yeah, I love this. Any sort of like interactive way to get your guests involved, doing things on your wedding day. Love it. There's like almost nothing worse than just having to sit down for a whole wedding or a whole event. And you're like, I'm bored basically. The dance floor is not open yet. What can I do? Something like this. Love it. I love it. Love it. Love it. And like you said, it really tests like guests for the wedding or the event about the hosts and whoever, whatever the event is about. So I love that idea."

Interactive guest activities are a fantastic way to keep guests engaged and entertained throughout the event. Tania emphasizes the importance of providing activities that allow guests to participate and have fun. By incorporating interactive elements, such as photo booths, lawn games, or even personalized quizzes, hosts can create a memorable experience for their guests. These activities not only keep guests entertained but also reflect the hosts' thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

4. The Significance of Directional Signage

"I've had couples do use them, but they use them during the reception and they put them on say like the wine glasses or, sorry, I heard Ralph. But… Drink tags, I have actually seen used during reception. So I love it when couples use drink tags as like their place cards as well. So whether it's like on a wine glass or a cocktail glass or whatever, they've personalized each of them to have their guests' name and that is essentially their place card. So it's kind of like, again, twofold using one thing for two purposes, but it adds that pop of color, which I love as a stylist. And it just creates like a fun little element. It's also something they can take home if they want to. So again, another thing, so a little thank you gift. It's beautiful. I love it."

Directional signage plays a crucial role in guiding guests throughout the event venue. Tania shares her experience of using drink tags as place cards, which not only serve a practical purpose but also add a touch of personalization and color to the table settings. These drink tags can be taken home by guests as a memento, serving as a thoughtful thank-you gift. By incorporating directional signage and personalized elements, hosts can ensure that guests feel welcomed and informed throughout the event.

5. The Versatility of Decals

"With them, Tania, say for example, I'm working with you, I'm the couple, and I create like a custom, I wanna call it a stamp, but I feel like that's the wrong word, where it's like the first initial of my name and the first initial of my partner's name. So, monogram, thank you very much. I went blank. Thank you. If we created something like that, is that something that I guess you could design and then you could work with the printer or would you then sort of say, I can't do it, but go see this person and here's the artwork?"

Decals offer a versatile and customizable option for adding personal touches to various elements of an event. Tania explains that she can design custom monograms or logos for couples, which can then be worked on with a printer to create decals. These decals can be applied to various surfaces, such as dance floors, walls, or even glassware, adding a unique and personalized touch to the event. The flexibility of decals allows couples to incorporate their own branding or monograms seamlessly into the overall design aesthetic.

6. The Impact of Printed Thank You Cards

"As a stationist, obviously there's printed thank you cards you can create. Is that something you could help couples with from a digital perspective?"

Printed thank you cards are a timeless and thoughtful way to express gratitude to guests for their presence and support. Tania confirms that she can assist couples in creating personalized thank you cards, even from a digital perspective. This means that couples can work with Tania to design and customize their thank you cards, which can then be printed and sent to guests as a heartfelt gesture of appreciation. Printed thank you cards serve as a lasting reminder of the special day and leave a lasting impression on guests.

In conclusion, the world of event and wedding day stationary offers a vast array of possibilities and opportunities for personalization. By incorporating elements such as in loving memory signs, interactive guest activities, directional signage, drink tags, decals, and printed thank you cards, hosts can create a truly memorable and unique experience for their guests. These small details not only enhance the overall aesthetic of the event but also reflect the thoughtfulness and care of the hosts. So, as you plan your special day, don't overlook the hidden gems of wedding and event stationery. Embrace the power of personalization and create an unforgettable experience for all who attend.



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